Insurance Questions:
The Driver Who Hit Me Has No Insurance. What Happens Now?
You can make a claim for your damages through your own insurance as an Uninsured Motorist (UM) claim. It is coverage for you, when you are a victim.
I Was in a Hit and Run Accident. What Happens Now?
- You should report the accident to police and request a police report to document the accident.
- You can make a claim for your damages through your own insurance as an Uninsured Motorist (UM) claim.
What Is Uninsured Motorist (UM) Coverage?
It is coverage under your own car insurance policy that protects you when you are involved in a hit and run or hit by someone with no insurance. Your insurance will cover your damages as you are a victim.
What Is Underinsured Motorist (Uim) Coverage?
When the other driver has insurance, but does not have enough to fully compensate you, you may be able to make a claim through your own insurance for additional money to cover the difference.
Will My Insurance Company Raise My Rates for Making an Uninsured (UM) Or Underinsured (UIM) Claim?
There are many factors insurance companies consider when raising rates. Generally, they are not permitted to raise rates for making a UM/UIM claim, as you are a victim.
What Are the Minimum Insurance Limits in Maryland?
$30,000 per person/$60,000 per accident.
Am I Required to Have UM or UIM Coverage on My Car Insurance?
Maryland law requires at a minimum, $30,000 per person/$60,000 per accident for UM/UIM coverage.
Can My Policy “Stack” on Top of the Driver’s Insurance Policy?
Maryland insurance policies usually do not stack. Recently, Maryland law has changed to allow for enhanced underinsured motorist coverage (EUIM), but you have to check your individual policy to know whether it is allowed. It permits you to “stack” your policy on top of the at fault driver’s policy.
** FAQs are not a substitute for legal advice and should not be relied upon. **