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Stress-Free Driving During the Holidays


For many of us, the holidays involve traveling to spend time with family and friends. While this can be a joyous time full of parties and fun, driving to and from your holiday destinations can become dangerous, stressful, or even potentially deadly. It is important to focus on safe driving practices during this time of congested travel in order to make sure you are prepared for any type of hazard you may run into.

Because of the increased amount of travel, Thanksgiving, followed closely by Christmas and New Year’s, is considered the most dangerous time of the year for roadway travel. That being said, make sure to consider the following factors when planning your upcoming trips:

Adverse Weather Conditions – The holiday season brings winter weather, which can greatly affect the roadways everyone will be traveling on. Be sure to plan your trip accordingly as to not put yourself or your passengers in danger. If you feel like the weather has become a potential hazard, it may be in your best interest to delay or change your travel plans.

Out-Of-Town Travelers – Many people on the roads will not be familiar with areas they’ll be driving through. Avoid following too closely, sudden lane changes, and abrupt stops as all of these can lead to a serious accident. If you are unfamiliar with the area, be sure to have directions available before you begin your trip and pay close attention to your surroundings.

Distracted Drivers – Drivers may experience extreme drowsiness or fatigue during long car trips. Be sure to pull over if you feel as though you cannot continue to drive. Other distractions may be trying to pull up directions or other use of phones while driving. Be on the lookout for distracted drivers and be sure to take breaks from driving as to not overexert yourself.

Driving Under the Influence – Holiday parties may involve alcoholic drinks and libations. Because of the already increased risk of driving during the holidays, it is important that you do not get behind the wheel if you have been drinking, even if it has only been a few drinks. Take advantage of ridesharing services or choose a responsible member of your party to volunteer to be the designated driver.

Take extra precautions when traveling this holiday season. An accident, especially in an unknown area, can cause months of stress and hassle.

Potter Law, LLC wishes you a joyous and safe holiday season. If you or a loved one experiences a travel incident this holiday season, contact Potter Law, LLC immediately. We are here to take the stress out of an unforeseen holiday traffic accident.
