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Potter Law Adopts an African Lion


Potter Law recently adopted an African Lion in support of The Smithsonian’s National Zoo and Conservation Biology Institute.

Potter Law holds this particular organization near and dear to their heart because of their love for animals and its direct connection to their iconic symbol, the lion. When ‘adoption package’ arrived on the front desk in the reception area—complete with ‘breathing holes’ around the box—the Receptionist spied the outside of the box, which read, “CAUTION HANDLE WITH CARE” and “LIVE ANIMAL.” Of course, the receptionist was terrified that the box contained a live animal that might jump out! To her relief, the contents of the package were far more ‘tame’ than what she had expected.

Upon opening the package—with muted laughter from the rest of the Potter Law staff—everyone was delighted to explore the exciting contents. In the box, they found a stuffed animal, certificate of adoption, a picture of the lion’s paw print that they adopted, not-to-mention an 8″ x 10″ portrait of their adoptee for them to frame in the office.

The African Lion represents strength, bravery, and fearlessness. Although African Lions are typically associated with courageousness and power, they are sadly listed as “vulnerable” on the IUCN Red List of Threatened Species. The rapid decline in the African Lion Population is significantly impacted by human conflict and habitat loss.

Potter Law is excited to partner with the Smithsonian National Zoo to help support and save this majestic species. Proceeds from the adoption program fund animal care and conservation for the African Lions, as well as 2,000 other animals that live in the National Zoo and the Smithsonian Conservation and Biology Institute in Front Royal, Virginia. Potter Law is not only thrilled toward giving back to their community but continually committed through their undeniable contributions and engagement.