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Potter Law, LLC Potter Law, LLC

Vacations Gone Wrong


Summer is here and many of us are packing up for much-needed vacations. It is easy to get caught up in the excitement of a vacation and forget that accidents and injuries can happen anywhere at anytime. Be sure to take the appropriate actions if an injury or accident occurs while you’re out of town. Remember to take as many necessary precautions to avoid the potential risk of suffering an accident while on vacation.

Steps to take if an injury occurs on vacation:

  • Seek medical attention as soon as possible – prolonged time between an accident and seeking medical attention is generally a red flag to insurance adjusters. Insurance adjusters may argue that you couldn’t have been seriously injured if didn’t see a doctor immediately.
  • Take pictures of the vehicle damage and injuries sustained- taking photos is easier than ever with smart phones. Be sure to capture the scene of the accident as well as any injuries that occurred. Clean up of an accident can happen quickly and it is important to document the scene to avoid losing necessary evidence.
  • Report the incident- if you are in a store, restaurant, or hotel–notify the manager on duty about the incident and if you are in a car accident be sure to notify the police immediately.
  • Collect information- ask for any information from anyone who saw the incident occur or may have been involved. This will assist you with potential claims down the road.

Decrease the risk of suffering an injury on vacation

  • Check credentials – review online recommendations for any amusement parks, excursion providers, and touring companies to ensure the places, you are visiting are safe and well managed. For example, Walt Disney World continues to check safety systems every day to lessen the chance of any accidents.
  • Read cruise details – read cruise statistics, crime reports, and safety protocol before booking a cruise. This will ensure that you will know where to go and what to do in case of an emergency.
  • Always read liability waivers – do not sign a liability waiver before reading it through first. By being informed of what the waiver says, you will know what options you have in the unfortunate event that a negligent act occurs during vacation and causes injury.
  • Recognize potential dangers – before getting on any watercraft, amusement ride, or vehicle take note of any potential hazards. For example, some rides are hazardous to pregnant women while others are not. Decrease your risk of injury by reading height requirements for rides or age restrictions for tours.