A Proud Tradition of Giving Back to Our Local Community
Giving back to our local community is a long and proud tradition of Potter Law, LLC. Our lawyer and team members serve as board members, presidents, speakers, and volunteers for a variety of associations and groups. Listed below are just a few key organizations we work with and support.
Meet Our Team and Support Your Community
Potter Law, LLC donated $1.00 for every “like” we got on this Facebook post to a local food bank! Learn more by watching the video.
Supporting Local Businesses
Helping to support our small local businesses has been crucial throughout the current pandemic. With changing COVID restrictions, local businesses are among some of those that have been impacted the hardest. As we continue to move through this difficult time, opting to purchase a gift, your morning coffee, or weeknight dinner from a small local business can really make a positive impact!

Maryland Youth & the LawDebbie Potter spoke at the MDyouthlaw event; Trials and Tribulations – In, On, & Off the Court
U.S. Naval Academy's Sponsor ProgramPotter Law is a proud sponsor of the Naval Academy’s Sponsor Program. The Sponsor Program offers members of the Annapolis community an opportunity to meet Midshipmen and to learn more about the Naval Academy.
Maryland CASAPotter Law is committed to helping the CASA children find a voice and get the attention they need and deserve.
Pay It ForwardPotter Law donated $1,500 to laundromats throughout our local communities to spread some cheer during the holiday season!
University of Maryland Terrapin ClubDeborah Potter formerly served as the first female President of the University of Maryland Terrapin Club and currently serves on the Board of Trustees of the University of Maryland College Park.
Local 911 Call CenterPotter Law is proud to support our local Prince George's County 911 call center by donating a much-needed freezer to their headquarters.
Giving TuesdayOn #GivingTuesday, our Pride made the decision to support four different causes that are very near and dear to our hearts.
Lights on the BayPotter Law was excited to be able to sponsor one of our favorite annual holiday events, LIGHTS ON THE BAY!
CASAblanca At Home GalaPotter Law was happy to be able to support CASA and their ongoing mission again as an event sponsor for their gala!
Young Pharaohs Mentoring AcademyThe Young Pharaohs Mentoring Academy Inc is an organization that focuses on improving the lives of young men in the community through character building, leadership, brotherhood, trust, respect, literacy, arts, athletics, and service.
Anne Arundel County Public SchoolsOur Pride believes in supporting our community however we can. When schools moved to virtual learning and community programs were suspended during the Covid-19 pandemic, there was a significant need for nutritional food for students in need.
Smithsonian Institution-National Zoological ParkThe firm recently adopted an African Lion to support friends of the National Zoo and help the Smithsonian’s National Zoo and Conservation Biology Institute to help play an integral role in saving this majestic species.

Championing Justice for Our Clients
Personalized Legal Representation You Can Count On
It takes a special breed of attorney to take a case to trial, if needed. Our attorney has done that - and has won!
We are accessible, responsive and do whatever it takes to achieve the best possible result for our clients.
We are proud to have our leading lady with her experience and compassion for victims.
Our firm is known for our commitment to our clients and fighting with passion and integrity for the justice they deserve.
Staying involved in the legal community helps our attorney remain informed while building important relationships that benefit clients.
As a leader in personal injury litigation, it's important to us to share our knowledge and experience with other legal professionals.
Supporting Local Businesses
Helping to support our small local businesses has been crucial throughout the current pandemic. With changing COVID restrictions, local businesses are among some of those that have been impacted the hardest. As we continue to move through this difficult time, opting to purchase a gift, your morning coffee, or weeknight dinner from a small local business can really make a positive impact!